Editorial – Sreetanwi Chakraborty

Sunday Talks Editorial

Unlocking the different dimensions of life is sometimes fun, sometimes really confusing. When it is about the right choice of choosing how to unlock, it can take different dimensions. Unlocking of the body and unlocking of the mind. In short, when you unwind, decide to unlock, then unlocking itself becomes a tedious task. In fact, there can be multiple dimensions regarding the exact process of unlocking. Transportation, basic medical facilities and multiple job-related sectors are under constant scanning and observation till the effect of the pandemic subsides to a large extent. This is the time to be together, this is the time when we collaborate and try to find out not just the vaccine that can ward off the pandemic, but the vaccine that can bind us together as a united front. This bonding can be creative, literary, physical, mental, aesthetic, when we all try to hold on to each other till we understand how precious is the time-lapse when the world fights.
Let there be light, let there be life!
It is Sunday time folks, and the editor presents here a host of lovely writers who have orchestrated their own way at organizing ‘Sunday Talks’- through features, short stories, Sunday reflections and poems.
Wish all the readers a rocking Sunday. Happy reading.
Send in your articles, poems, shorts stories, travelogues, thoughts, reflections, anything that you find creative and productive enough to be part of Sunday Talks.
Write to Sreetanwi at sreesup@gmail.com/ or techtouchtalk@gmail.com
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